Sunday School

At Walnut Grove, we believe that study and prayer is a vital part of our spiritual growth and maturity.  To that end, we offer a variety of Sunday school classes each week for people of all ages.  

Open Door Class

The Open Door Class is just as the name suggests, open to all ages. We are a discussion group and all are invited to share in the discussion. We have a ministry to offer encouragement and support to those going through painful experiences. We help with food to shut-ins and community and sponsor a missionary in Romania. We have a card ministry for those in need.  Our door is always open for you to come and join us.

Bible Class

The Bible Class is a comforting and friendly class young at heart and all are welcomed ! They study from the Standard Lesson Commentary teacher’s edition. Class members share with their thoughts and concerns as each lesson is studied. The class has a card ministry that witnesses to any in need or deserving praise. Many people have responded over the years with thank you’s and appreciation for these cards. The class serves the community.  Coffee and light snacks are served each Sunday by and for those attending. Come join us !

Breaking Free Class

We coined our class name after the Beth Moore Breaking Free Study – ‘Making Liberty in Christ a Reality in Life’. Our classroom is located in the southeast corner, by the restrooms. When we first formed as a class, we took the survey to find our spiritual gifts. Since then, we have completed several studies by Bruce Wilkerson. We will always make room for another chair for anyone would like to join us.

On Our Way Class